Are you looking for new plants to add to add the best plants for an Illinois landscape? Well, you have come to the right place! Illinois is filled with the best native plants.  And the best part? You can make your garden look amazing and help support the ecosystem by using Illinois native plants.

They’re super adaptable to the local climate and soil, making them way easier to take care of and more resilient. Plus, they’re a great home for birds, butterflies, and other wildlife. So, if you’re looking to create a sustainable and stunning outdoor space, you gotta add some Illinois native plants to your landscape design.

In this blog post, we’re gonna show you the top five native plants that are perfect for your Illinois landscape. From bright and colorful wildflowers to delicate and lovely blooms, these plants are guaranteed to add a pop of beauty and character to your yard.


Plants For An Illinois Landscape

1. Wild Bergamot (Monarda Fistulosa)

Plants for an Illinois Landscape: Wild Bergamot; small purple flowers

Wild Bergamot, also known as Bee Balm, is a vibrant native plant that is a must-have in any Illinois landscape. With its cheerful, daisy-like blooms in shades of purple and pink, it adds a pop of color to gardens from July to September. This low-maintenance wildflower is easy to care for and will thrive with minimal effort, making it ideal for gardeners who want a beautiful garden without a lot of work.

Wild Bergamot pairs well with other native plants such as Black-eyed Susans, Joe-Pye Weed, and Ironweed, creating a harmonious, naturalistic garden that supports native pollinators and provides a habitat for wildlife. Whether planted in masses or used as an accent, Wild Bergamot will add a touch of beauty and bring life to your Illinois landscape.



2. Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia Hirta)

Plants for an Illinois Landscape: Black Eyed Susan; yellow daisy flowers

Black-eyed Susan is a classic native plant that is perfect for a variety of Illinois landscapes. This sun-loving wildflower features bright yellow petals with a distinctive black center, adding a cheerful touch to gardens from June to October. Black-eyed Susan is versatile and easy to care for, making it a great choice for gardeners of all levels. When planted in well-drained soil, it will thrive and require minimal watering.

This drought-tolerant plant is also well-suited to xeriscape gardens, making it a great option for those looking to conserve water. To keep Black-eyed Susan at its best, water it deeply once a week during dry spells and avoid overhead watering, as wet foliage can lead to fungal disease. Whether planted in masses or as a filler between other plants, Black-eyed Susan is a charming and reliable addition to any Illinois landscape.


3. White Snakeroot (Eupatorium Rugosum)

Plants for an Illinois Landscape: White Snakeroot Plant; white  flowers with a small green frog laying on top

If you’re looking for a plant that’s gonna make your Illinois garden look amazing, then you gotta get your hands on some White Snakeroot! This stunning native plant blooms from August to October, and let us tell you, those clusters of white, bottlebrush-like flowers are a total showstopper. Best of all, it’s perfect for shady or partially shady gardens, which is great if you’ve got a lot of trees or areas with minimal light.

This native plant is super low-maintenance and can even be naturalized in woodland areas. Whether you plant it as a groundcover, in groups, or as an accent, White Snakeroot is gonna bring so much beauty and charm to your Illinois landscape. 


4. New England Aster (Symphyotrichum Novae-Angliae)

Plants for an Illinois Landscape: New England Aster; purple daisy looking flower

The New England Aster is a beautiful and versatile native plant that is well-suited for a variety of Illinois landscapes. With its showy, daisy-like blooms in shades of pink, purple, and blue, it adds a pop of color to gardens from late summer through fall. The New England Aster is at its best in sunny landscapes and will thrive in well-drained soil.

When paired with other native plants such as Black-eyed Susan, Ironweed, or Joe-Pye Weed, it creates a harmonious, naturalistic garden that provides a habitat for native pollinators. Whether you’re looking to add a touch of color to your garden or to support wildlife, the New England Aster is an excellent choice.



5. Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia Siphilitica)

Plants for an Illinois Landscape: Great Blue Lobelia; close up of a blue/purple flowerThe Great Blue Lobelia is a magnificent native plant that adds grace and beauty to any Illinois landscape. This elegant wildflower boasts spikes of intense blue, bell-shaped blooms that rise above feathery green foliage from July to September. The Great Blue Lobelia is best suited for moist, partially shady landscapes, making it a great option for gardens near streams, ponds, or other bodies of water.

Pair this with other plants in Illinois such as an Ironweed, Joe-Pye Weed, or New England Aster, to enhance your landscape and provide a habitat for pollinators and other wildlife. Whether used as a focal point or as an accent, the Great Blue Lobelia will bring a touch of sophistication to your Illinois landscape.



End Note:

There you have it! The best plants for an Illinois landscape! Using native plants in your Illinois landscape has numerous benefits. It will be low maintenance, provide food and shelter to wildlife, and contribute to the ecosystem. If you are looking for someone to help you pick the perfect bouquet of native plants for your Illinois landscape, don’t hesitate to contact American Gardens by clicking the button below!

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