First Plants to Bloom in Spring in Chicago

First Plants to Bloom in Spring in Chicago

Here in Chicago, we’re ready for the warm weather and luckily, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel! The countdown is almost over and it’s time to get out into the garden and onto our lawns again. But, you might need some color in your life before your perennials...
8 Backyard Drainage Solutions

8 Backyard Drainage Solutions

Was there a heavy rainstorm that resulted in standing water on your property and now you are looking for some creative drainage options? Spring rain brings a flood (see what I did there) of calls into the office seeking help to mitigate standing water. Whether your...
Is Rock Salt Safe for Pavers?

Is Rock Salt Safe for Pavers?

Short answer is, “Yes, rock salt is safe for pavers.” Winter is inevitable and with the winter season comes heavy snow and ice. While your paver walkway looks great during the summer months, how will it hold up over the course of the winter? Concrete pavers are...
7 Colorful Fall Shrubs

7 Colorful Fall Shrubs

7 Colorful Fall Shrubs   Now that summer blooms have faded, the focus of our landscapes shift from bright, abundant blossoms to colorful fall foliage. Famed French philosopher Albert Camus once said, “Autumn is a second spring, when every leaf is a flower.” So,...