Will Heavy Snow Kill my Plants?

Will Heavy Snow Kill my Plants?

Temperatures have consistently been below freezing and periodic snowstorms are spinning through the area. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are in the heart of winter! Looking out your window, you may be wondering how all this cold weather and heavy snow cover could be good...
6 Landscaping Ideas To Try This Winter

6 Landscaping Ideas To Try This Winter

While you’re looking at all the snow on your plants, you’re probably not thinking about all the amazing landscaping design ideas you could try this winter. Sure, you could go inside and enjoy a cozy fire and some hot chocolate, but it’s really not as fun...
How To Use Fallen Leaves In The Garden

How To Use Fallen Leaves In The Garden

The best ways to use fallen leaves in my gardenNow that fall is in full swing, you may be wondering  “what are the best ways to use fallen leaves in my garden?” or “what do I do with all of these leaves?”. Landscaping in the fall presents a...